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Steven Blair
Steven Blair, Assistant Professor
Ph.D. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2022
Dr. Blair's research interests encompass the broad areas of biomedical optical imaging and biophotonics, focusing especially on the co-design of image sensors, imaging optics, and computer vision techniques for applications in image-guided surgery.
Open Positions
Dr. Blair is currently seeking out undergraduate students and graduate students who want to make a difference through research at the intersection of electrical engineering, computer engineering, and biomedical engineering. If interested, please reach out to Dr. Blair at with a copy of your curriculum vitae and a brief description of your interests.

Engineering E-209
Personal Website
Selected Publications
- S. Blair, M. Garcia, Z. Zhu, Z. Liang, B. Lew, M. George, B. Kondov, S. Stojanoski, M. Bogdanovska Todorovska, D. Miladinova, G. Kondov, and V. Gruev, "Decoupling channel count from field of view and spatial resolution in single-sensor imaging systems for fluorescence image-guided surgery," Journal of Biomedical Optics, SPIE, 2022.
- S. Blair and V. Gruev, "Interpolant-based demosaicing routines for dual-mode visible/near-infrared imaging systems", Optics Express, Optica, 2022.
- S. Blair, M. Garcia, T. Davis, Z. Zhu, Z. Liang, C. Konopka, K. Kauffman, R. Colanceski, I. Ferati, B. Kondov, S. Stojanovski, M. Bogdanovska Todorovska, N. Toleska Dimitrovska, N. Jakupi, D. Miladinova, G. Petrusevska, G. Kondov, L. W. Dobrucki, S. Nie, and V. Gruev, “Hexachromatic bio-inspired camera for image-guided cancer surgery”, Science Translational Medicine, AAAS, 2021.
- S. Blair, M. Garcia, T. Davis, R. Colanceski, I. Ferati, B. Kondov, S. Stojanovski, M. Bogdanovska Todorovska, N. Toleska Dimitrovska, N. Jakupi, D. Miladinova, G. Petrusevska, G. Kondov, and V. Gruev, “An 18-band snapshot hyperspectral imaging system for sentinel lymph node dissection with multiple near-infrared fluorophores”, Molecular-Guided Surgery: Molecules, Devices, and Application VII, SPIE, 2021.
- S. Blair, N. Cui, M. Garcia, V. Gruev, “A 120 dB Dynamic Range Logarithmic Multispectral Imager for Near-Infrared Fluorescence Image-Guided Surgery”, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and System (ISCAS), IEEE, 2020.
- S. Blair, A. Deliwala, E. Chen, S. Subashbabu, A. Li, M. George, M. Garcia, N. Cui, Z. Zhu, S. Andonovski, B. Kondov, S. Stojanoski, M. Bogdanovska Todorovska, G. Petrusevska, G. Kondov, V. Gruev, “A 3.47 e- Read Noise, 81 dB Dynamic Range Backside-Illuminated Multispectral Imager for Near-Infrared Fluorescence Image-Guided Surgery”, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and System (ISCAS), IEEE, 2020.
- S. Blair, M. Garcia, C. Konopka, L. Dobrucki, and V. Gruev, “A 27-band snapshot hyperspectral imaging system for label-free tumor detection during image-guided surgery”, Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2019, SPIE, 2019.