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Camilo Hurtado-Parrado
Camilo Hurtado-Parrado, Assistant Professor
Behavior Analysis and Therapy (On-campus)
Dr. Hurtado-Parrado’s research focuses on the understanding of human and nonhuman learning and behavioral processes, especially how they are regulated by aversive events (e.g., effects of aversive stimuli on memory, self-control, problem-solving, verbal behavior, rule following, and conciliation).
His ongoing agenda entails:
- interactions between verbal and nonverbal behavior (e.g., how aversive consequences affect the consistency between saying and doing)
- measurement of emotion regulation strategies and how they affect other behavioral processes (e.g., effects of reappraisal-based regulation on conciliation and self-control)
- assessing and improving the effectiveness of behavioral teaching methods (e.g., evaluating the effectiveness of a method called Interteaching and how it could reduce procrastination in college students)
- establishment and maintenance of complex behavior via aversive events (e.g., conditional discriminations regulated by aversive consequences)
- analysis of conceptual, historical, and disciplinary aspects of psychology (e.g., history and need for alternative research methods in psychology).
Representative publications
Gantiva, C., Araujo, A., Castillo, K., Claro, L., & Hurtado-Parrado, C. (2021). Physiological and affective responses to emoji faces: Effects on facial muscle activity, skin conductance, heart rate, and self-reported affect. Biological Psychology, 163, 108142.
Virues-Ortega, J., Hurtado-Parrado, C., Arias-Higuera, M., & Iwata, B. (2021). Nathan H. Azrin: A Case Study in Research Translation in Behavior Science. Perspectives on Behavior Science.
Pfaller-Sadovsky, N. & Hurtado-Parrado, C. (2020). A cultural selection analysis of human-dog interactions – a primer. European Journal of Behavior Analysis.

Office: Life Science II, 281
Phone: 618-536-2302
Curriculum Vitae
Educational History
2014 - PhD in Psychology, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada).
Thesis: Aversive control of Betta splendens behavior using water disturbances: effects of signaled and unsignaled free-operant avoidance, escape, and punishment contingencies
2008 - Behavior Analysis, Psychology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá