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Elaine T. Jurkowski
Elaine T. Jurkowski, Professor
Social Work
Elaine T. Jurkowski, M.S.W., Ph.D., is Professor in Social Work and Program Director, Southern Illinois University's Gerontology Programs, where she holds a joint appointment with Health Education and the School of Medicine’s Family Practice Residency Program. Dr. Jurkowski previously served the School of Social Work as Interim Director.
Her published research articles have focused on the topics of health disparities, access to mental health and health care services, aging, and disability issues. Her research has been funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, The Hartford Foundation, the Health and Human Services Administration, the Administration on Aging, and the Illinois Department on Aging. Dr. Jurkowski has held elected offices in the American Public Health Association (A.P.H.A.), National Association of Social Workers (N.A.S.W.), the Gerontological Society of America (G.S.A.), and the Illinois Rural Health Association (I.R.H.A.). Her work experiences have included consultation within settings in West Africa, Hong Kong, India, China, Russia, and Egypt. She is the author of numerous books and professional articles.
Dr. Jurkowski began her social work career working with people who have cognitive and developmental disabilities and supporting these people to develop community social, recreation and leisure skills. Her philosophy of "community integration" and "citizen participation" evolved into vocational and residential settings and included case management and administrative positions in vocational rehabilitation, and residential settings, serving people with disabilities for the Department of Health and Family Services, Province of Manitoba. Dr. Jurkowski was a "Great Cities" Research Fellow in Health and examined strategies for community needs assessment in the United States and Canada, using citizen participation and traditional needs assessments.
Dr. Jurkowski’s teaching interests include health and aging policy, research methods and program evaluation, administration and grant writing and social work practice with groups.
Dr. Jurkowski's community service includes serving as a member of the Board of Directors for various not-for-profit health care agencies within the Southern Illinois area, and journal reviewer for numerous academic journals. In addition, has been active with the United Way funding allocations system in various locations throughout her career. She is also an advisor to the Southern Illinois Pioneer Coalition Advisory Board and currently serves on community boards such as Caring Counseling Ministries (Marion, Illinois), Supporting People in Need (S.P.I.N; Murphysboro, Illinois) and UNA/USA Southern Illinois Chapter.

Phone: 618-453-1200
- Present University Department or Unit:
College of Health and Human Sciences: Social Work - Office Address:
Pulliam Hall Suite 250, M/C 4329, Social Work
Southern Illinois University - Contact information:
- Formal Education
B.S.W. (Industrial Social Work), the University of Manitoba, Wpg, Canada
M.S.W. (Policy and Administration), the University of Manitoba, Wpg, Canada
Ph.D., Public Health, the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, Illinois
M.B.A., (Class of 2022) Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois - Certification and Additional training:
Student Hotspotting: Sponsor: Camden Coalition, Camden, New Jersey, 2018-present
A.P.M. Assessment Academy, Sponsor: Council on Social Work Education, 2016, 2017
- 2021-present Graduate Program Director
Social Work
School of Human Sciences
College of Health and Human Sciences
Southern Illinois University Carbondale - 2020-present Program Director: Gerontology Programs
School of Human Sciences
College of Health and Human Sciences
Southern Illinois University - 2009-present Professor, Social Work
Southern Illinois University - 2018 Provost Faculty Fellow
Office of the Provost/Associate Provost
Southern Illinois University - 2016-present Adjunct Professor (cross appointment)
School of Medicine, Family Practice Residency Program
Southern Illinois University Springfield - 2016 Provost Assessment Fellow
Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Southern Illinois University - 2013-2015 Interim Director, School of Social Work
Southern Illinois University - 2003- 2014 Graduate Program Director, School of Social Work
Southern Illinois University - 2011-Present Professor, Department of Health Education (cross appointment)
Southern Illinois University - 2006- 2009 Coordinator, Graduate Certificate Program in Gerontology,
Southern Illinois University - 2004- 2009 Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Southern Illinois University - 2005-2007 Visiting Professor, George Warren Brown School of Social Work,
Washington University at St. Louis - 1998- 2004 Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Southern Illinois University - 1997-1998 Instructor, The University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada.
- 1994-1998 Program Coordinator, The Illinois Public Health Leadership Institute,
University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, Illinois - 1992-1994 Graduate Assistant for the Dean’s Office, School of Public Health,
University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, Illinois - 1985-1991 Program Manager, Broadway Home for Women Residential Training Center,
Department of Family Services, Province of Manitoba, Canada
Interests and Specialties:
- Health/Mental Health, Disability;
- Aging;
- International Health/Planning;
- Access to Health Care;
- Program Evaluation, Technology and Teaching;
- Culture Change in Long Term Care;
- Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes;
- Inter-Professional Collaboration and Workforce Development
Current Projects:
- Mental health access and service utilization.
- Health disparities and their impact on health care access and service utilization.
- The use of media for the promotion of health and behavioral health interventions.
- Long term care settings and culture change.
- Graduate Certificate Program in Gerontology.
- Health and behavioral health literacy.
- Consumer’s perspective on community health planning.
- Aging and disability policy and practice.
- Health Ambassadors and the promotion of health in older adults.
- Inter-professional collaboration and workforce development.
- Virtual Reality Training/Education for global social work practice.
Grants Received:
- Health Research and Services Administration (HRSA) via subcontract from Rush University, Chicago, IL for GWEP2 (2019-2024) $265,423.
- Kendel Institute/Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) (2021) $10,000
- Health Research and Services Administration (HRSA) VIA SUBCONTRACT FROM Rush University, Chicago, IL for Rural Geriatric Workforce Education Center (2015-2018) $485,234; (2019) $157,635.
- Southern Illinois Juvenile Justice Council (2015) $28,000.
- John A. Logan Early Childhood Education (2014) $28,000.
- Women’s Health Directorate, DHHS (2009) $1,500.
- Mathews and Associates (2008) $12,000.
- Egyptian Area Agency on Aging (2008) $3,000.
- Union County Counseling (2007) $15,000.
- Union County Counseling (2006) $15,000.
- AISIN Manufacturing (2006) $12,000.
- Union county Counseling (2006) $15,000.
- Integrated Assessment Program, IL Dept. of children & Family Services (2006) $6,000.
- Union County counseling (2005) $14,000.
- Southern Illinois Healthcare (2004) $14,000.
- Reminiscence Project (2003) $1,600.
- Center for Gero-Enrichment (2002) $60,000.
- Educational Partnership: SIUC (2001) $5,000.
- University Women for Professional Advancement (1999) $600.
- Center for Rural Health and Social Development, SIUC (1999) $8,000.
- Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship Award, SIUC (1999) $8,400.
- Northwestern university & Hospital Research & Educational Trust (American Hospital Association) (1998) $2,000.
- Cardiovascular Risk Reduction and Mind Body Stress Reduction: a Group Intervention-Hecteon Institute and Cook County Hospital (1998) $1000.
- People First of Windsor (1998) $750.
- United Way/Crusade of Mercy (1997) $2,000.
- Great Cities Institute/College of Urban Planning (UIC) $15,000.
- Local Area Network Interagency Subcommittee (1995) $1,400.
- Community Counseling Centers of Chicago (1995) $1,500.
- Alternative Youth Services, Inc. (Chicago) (1995) $3,000.
- Sioux Falls Human Service Agency (Chapter 1 Award) (1995) $10,000.
- ATCO Human Service Agency (Chapter 1 Award) (1994) $10,000.
- ATCO Human Service Agency (Chapter 1 Award) (1993) $10,000.
- ATCO Human Service Agency (Chapter 1 Award) (1992) $10,000.
Publications And Creative Works
Chapters in Professional Books:
- Guest, M.A & Jurkowski, E.T. (2021) Housing, Chapter 7 appearing in Jurkowski, E.T. & M. Aaron Guest (eds). (2021). Healthy Aging through the Social Determinants of Health. Washington, DC: The American Public Health Association Press.
- Chambers, B, & Jurkowski, E.T. (2021, Lifelong Learning, Chapter 14 appearing in Jurkowski, E.T. & M. Aaron Guest (eds). (2021). Healthy Aging through the Social Determinants of Health. Washington, DC: The American Public Health Association Press.
- Newman, M., Golden, r., Emery-Tiburcio, E., Sklar, T., & Jurkowski, E.T.. (2021).Workforce, Chapter 15,appearing in Jurkowski, E.T. & M. Aaron Guest (eds). (2021). Healthy Aging through the Social Determinants of Health. Washington, DC: The American Public Health Association Press.
- Alt, P., Jurkowski, E.T. & Eliasson, G.. (2021). Chapter 18 appearing in Jurkowski, E.T. & M. Aaron Guest (eds). (2021). Healthy Aging through the Social Determinants of Health. Washington, DC: The American Public Health Association Press.
- Jurkowski, E.T. & Guest, M.A..(2021). Conclusions and Visions for the Future. Chapter 19 appearing in Jurkowski, E.T. & M. Aaron Guest (eds). (2021). Healthy Aging through the Social Determinants of Health. Washington, DC: The American Public Health Association Press.
- Knaus, L., & Jurkowski, E.& Azim, A. (2015). Housing, Poverty, and Transportation in Rural Places. Appearing in Aging in Rural Places: Policies, Programs, and Professional Practice, chapter 4, Hash, K, Jurkowski, E.T. & Krout, J. (editors).77-102.
- Jurkowski, E., Hogue, H. & Rubenstein, M. (2015). Work, Retirement, and Leisure in Rural Places. Aging in Rural Places: Policies, Programs, and Professional Practice, chapter 5, Hash, K, Jurkowski, E.T. & Krout, J. (editors).103 - 118.
- Jurkowski, E. & De Wolfe, S. (2015). Health and Wellness Among Rural Older Adults. Aging in Rural Places: Policies, Programs, and Professional Practice, chapter 3, Hash, K, Jurkowski, E.T. & Krout, J. (editors).45- 76.
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2015). Policies impacting rural aging. Aging in Rural Places: Policies, Programs, and Professional Practice, chapter 12, Hash, K, Jurkowski, E.T. & Krout, J. (editors). 261-282.
- Hash, K., Jurkowski, E. & Krout, J. (2015). Conclusions and Future Directions, Aging in Rural Places: Policies, Programs, and Professional Practice, chapter 13, Hash, K, Jurkowski, E.T. & Krout, J. (editors). 283- 296.
- Jurkowski, E.T (2013). Aging and Caregiving appearing in Handbook for Public Health Social Work, chapter 5 The Social Work Section of the American Public Health Association, Keefe, T. & Jurkowski, E.T.(Managing editors). New York, NY: Springer Publications. (pages 81-101).
- Saleeby, P. & Jurkowski, E.T (2013). Disability and Secondary Conditions appearing in Handbook for Public Health Social Work, chapter 9 The Social Work Section of the American Public Health Association, Keefe, T. & Jurkowski, E.T.(Managing editors). New York, NY: Springer Publications. (pages 163-180).
- Saleeby, P. & Jurkowski, E.T (2013). Chronic Health Conditions appearing in Handbook for Public Health Social Work, chapter 10 The Social Work Section of the American Public Health Association, Keefe, T. & Jurkowski, E.T.(Managing editors). New York, NY: Springer Publications. (pages 181-192).
- Ely, P., Scammel, T. & Jurkowski, E.T (2013). Substance abuse appearing in Handbook for Public Health Social Work, chapter 11 The Social Work Section of the American Public Health Association, Keefe, T. & Jurkowski, E.T.(Managing editors). New York, NY: Springer Publications. (pages 193-212).
- Karki, K., Miah, M., & Jurkowski, E.T (2013). International Health appearing in Handbook for Public Health Social Work, chapter 12 The Social Work Section of the American Public Health Association, Keefe, T. & Jurkowski, E.T.(Managing editors). New York, NY: Springer Publications. (pages 213-230).
- Hogue, M.H. & Jurkowski, E.T (2013). Mental Health appearing in Handbook for Public Health Social Work, chapter 13 The Social Work Section of the American Public Health Association, Keefe, T. & Jurkowski, E.T.(Managing editors). New York, NY: Springer Publications. (pages 231-254).
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2011). Psychosocial determinants and mental health. Appearing in Social Determinants and Mental Health, chapter 4, Baeher-Koehler, S. (ed). New York: Nova Publishers.
- Buila, S.B.D., Shirley, T., & Jurkowski, E.T. (2011). Rural communities and mental health. Appearing in Social Determinants and Mental Health, chapter 15, Baeher-Koehler, S. (ed). New York: Nova Publishers.
- Jurkowski, E. & Kemp, M. (2004). Assisted living, social work practice & the elderly, appearing in Social Work Practice and the Elderly. Ed. Holosko, M. & Feit, M. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press. 501-518.
- Jurkowski, E. & Tracy M. (2001). Trends in international research, Chapter 14 appearing in Handbook on Research for Social Work. Ed. Thyer, B. CA: Sage Publications.
- Rowitz, L. & Jurkowski, E. (1994). The myths and realities of depression and Down Syndrome. In Living and Learning in the Community. New York:NADDS
- Jurkowski, E. & Amado, A. (1993). Affection, love, intimacy and sexual relationships. In Friendships and Community Connections between People with and without Developmental Disabilities. ed by Angela Novak Amado. 129-153. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
- Garwick, G. & Jurkowski, E. (1992). Evaluation of HIV prevention and self-protection training programs. In HIV Infection and Developmental Disabilities. Ed. Croecker, A., Cohen, H., & Kastner, T. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Selected Publications in Professional Journals
- Jurkowski, E; Agbeh, A; (2020). Medical Tourism: An emerging Terrain with Covid 19. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 9 (7,450 ). 1-11. Available at
- McDaniel, J.T., Albright, D., Lee, H., Patrick, S., McDermott, R.J., Jenkins, W., Diehr, A.J.& Jurkowski, E.T. (2019). Rural–urban disparities in colorectal cancer screening among military service members and Veterans. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 5(1) 40-48. oi:10.3138/jmvfh.2018-0013
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2016). Using social media to teach about gerontology. AGHE Exchange. Summer, 2016 Retrieved from
- Agbeh, A.O. & Jurkowski, E.T. (2016). Preparing for Baby Boomers as an Agritourism Market. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality 5 (3). 223. doi:10.4172/2167-0269.1000223
- Agbeh, A. & Jurkowski, E.T. (2016). Medical Tourism: Preparing our workforce the emerging terrain. International Journal for Teaching Tourism and Hospitality.
- Reese, D., Buila, S., Cox., S., Davis, J., Olsen, M. & Jurkowski, E.T.. (2015). University Community-Hospice Partnership to Address Organizational Barriers to Cultural Competence. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 1-15. DOI: 10.1177/1049909115607295
- Ball, J., Ogletree, R., Jurkowski, Asunda, P., & Miller, K. (2014). Diffusion of innovation elements that influence the adoption and diffusion of distance education in health. American Journal of Health Studies, 29(3), 240-246.
- Ball, J., Ogletree, R., Jurkowski, E., Fetro, J., Asunda, P., & Miller, K. (2013). The development of a measurement tool to measure the adoption of distance education in health. American Journal of Health Studies. 28(4), 183-189.
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2009). Endnotes: An intimate look at end of life. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, (52). 5. 565-569.
- Jurkowski, E.T., & Lautar, C.J.. (2007). Teaching community collaboration in academia. Academic Exchange Quarterly. 11(3). 124-128.
- Lautar, C.J., & Jurkowski, E.T. (2007). Bridging disciplines through service-learning. Academic Exchange Quarterly. 11(1) 212-217.
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2005). Depression and dementia are not normal components of the aging process. The Networker, May, 2005, 14-17.
- Jurkowski, E.T, Jovanovic, B. & Rowitz, L. (2002). Leadership/citizen participation: Access to health care, attendant care and social services for people with physical disabilities. Journal of Health and Social Policy, 14(4), 49-61.
- Perkins, S. Jurkowski, E., Judd, M., & Teaff, J. (2002). Therapeutic recreation and gerontology certificates: A model for successful partnerships. Expanding Horizons, 46-52.
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2001). Policies, programs and services for older adults and people with disabilities. Issues for Russian social welfare systems. Russian Journal of Professional Development, 1(1), 6-11.
- Jurkowski, E. & Tracy, M.., (2000). Social policy and the aged: Implications for health planning, health education and health promotion. The Health Education Monograph Series, (2), 20-26.
- VanRooyan, M. Erickson, T., Jones, P.W., Townes, D.A., Jurkowski, E. & Levy, P.(1997). The reestablishment of a national referral hospital during the Civil War in Rwanda using a mentor administrative approach. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 15(2), 101-111.
- Jurkowski, E. (1995). "Lifelong Journeys" A family life and sexuality guide for people with developmental disabilities. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 7(3), 203-208.
- Jurkowski, E. (1994). The Canadian health care system: A model for the development of a universal health care system in the United States. Leadership in Public Health, 3(1), 1-4.
- Jurkowski, E.T. & Guest, A. eds. (2021). Healthy aging through the social determinants of health. Washington, DC: APHA press.
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2019). Program planning and policy development for older adults and people with disabilities: Practice realities and visions (2nd edition). New York, NY: Springer Publications. (552 pages)
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2019). Program planning and policy development for older adults and people with disabilities: Practice realities and visions. Instructor’s Guide (2nd edition). New York, NY: Springer Publications.(164 pages)
- Hash, K. Jurkowski, E.T., Krout, J.(eds) (2015). Rural Aging: Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Professional Competencies. New York, NY: Springer Publications. (308 pages).
- Hash, K. Jurkowski, E.T., Krout, J. (2015). Instructor’s Guide for Rural Aging: Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Professional Competencies. New York, NY: Springer Publications.
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2013). Implementing Culture Change in Long Term Care: Standards and Strategies for Management and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publications. (302 pages).
- The Social Work Section of the American Public Health Association, Keefe, T. & Jurkowski, E.T.(Managing editors). Handbook for Public Health Social Work. (2013). New York, NY: Springer Publications. (402 pages)
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2008). Program planning and policy development for older adults: Realities and visions. New York, NY: Springer Publications. (424 pages)
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2008). Instructors guide: Program planning and policy development for older adults: Realities and visions. New York, NY: Springer Publications. (81 pages)
- Keigher, S.M. & Jurkowski, E.T. (2001). Life after a national nightmare: Coping with invisible illness and disability. Health and Social Work, 26(4). 211-215
Published Abstracts:
- Jurkowski, E. T. & Green, C. (2009). Disaster preparedness and older adults living in rural communities. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 13. 659-660.
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2009). Using media approaches to translate disability research into practice. Disability and Health Journal, l2,(1).
- Jurkowski, E.T. & Green, C. (2007). Meeting the health promotion needs of a rural geriatric population through the Older American’s Act Amendments of 2006. The Gerontologist, 46(1), 590-591.
- Jurkowski, E.T. (2006) Substance abuse and older adults: Issues and solutions for policy and practice impacting older adults in rural communities. The Gerontologist, 46(1), 590-591.
- Green, C., Patel, D., Walls, T., & Jurkowski, E.T. (2006). Rural baby boomers: Are we prepared to meet the health needs of our baby boom cohort? The Gerontologist,. 46(1), 603.
- Greene, C., Patel, D., Walls, T. & Jurkowski, E. (2005). Senior centers and nutrition sites: Are we meeting the needs of our baby boom cohort? The Gerontoligist.45(2), 274-275.
- Jurkowski, E. (2005). Multidisciplinary intervention for mental health and substance abuse services for older in rural communities. The Gerontoligist.45(2), 144.
- Jurkowski, E. (2005). Community partnerships for delivering mental health services to older adults. The Gerontoligist.45(2), 234.
- Jurkowski, E. (2005). Planning for mental health, elder abuse and substance abuse services in rural communities: reaching older adults in rural communities from the consumer’s perspective. International Psychogeriatrics: The official journal of the International Psychogeriatric Association. 17(supplement 2), 373.
- Jurkowski, E. (October, 2005). Multidisciplinary intervention for mental health and substance abuse services for older in rural communities. The Gerontologist. 45(2), 144.
- Jurkowski, E. (2005). Community Partnerships for delivering mental health services to older adults. The Gerontologist. 45(2), 234.
- Greene, C., Patel, D., Walls, T. & Jurkowski, E. (October, 2005). Senior centers and nutrition sites: Are we meeting the needs of our baby boom cohort? The Gerontologist. 45(2), 274-275.
- Jurkowski, E. (2005). Planning for mental health, elder abuse and substance abuse services in rural communities: reaching older adults in rural communities from the consumer’s perspective. International Psychogeriatrics: The Official Journal of the International Psychogeriatric Association, 17(supplement 2), 373.
- Jurkowski, E. (2003) Mental health and aging systems integration (MHASI): A model for gero-psychiatric service delivery in rural and frontier communities. International Psychogeriatrics, 15(Supplement 2), 186.
- Jurkowski, E., Warner, L., Williams, R., Suro, J., & Williams, T. (2003). Systems integration: Organizational and systemic factors which impact mental health services for older adults in rural communities. International Psychogeriatrics 15(Supplement 2), 186.
- Jurkowski, E. (2003). Physician/provider perspectives toward mental health services and older adults living in rural communities. International Psychogeriatrics, 15(Supplement 2), 186.
- Jurkowski, E. (2002). Mental health and aging systems integration project: Outcomes and impacts for rural elderly. The Gerontologist, 42(Special Issue 1), 351.
- Beebe, S., Lautar, C., Jurkowski, E. (2002). Comparison of children’s oral health in a rural based community: Implications for curriculum building within dental hygiene programs. Journal for American Dental Education, 66(2), 308-309.
In addition, over 80 online abstracts published through The American Public Health Association (APHA), five (5) electronic abstracts published for the Gero-Education and Social Work and five (5) online abstracts published through the Society for Social Work and Research.
- 2014-present
- Host for “Dare to Care” Weekly radio show
WGGH Radio 1050 AM, Marion, IL - Have written and produced over 200 radio show broadcasts which reach over a two million listener audience spanning five states (IL, IN, KY, MO, TN).
- Host for “Dare to Care” Weekly radio show
- 2007-2014
- Regular article contributor to “Mind and Body” Column
The Southern Illinoisan newspaper - Have written over 40 newspaper articles related to health and mental well-being through the Jackson County Behavioral Task Force.
- Regular article contributor to “Mind and Body” Column
College and University Committees and Councils:
- 2021-present Co-Chair - Committee on Committees, Faculty Senate
- 2021-present Faculty Senate Representative – US World News & Report As Hoc Committee, SIUC
- 2020-present Representative for CHHS Academic Affairs Committee (and Chair)
- 2019-present Elected representative for COEHS: Faculty Senate
- 2019-2021 Elected representative to the campus-wide Judicial Review Board
- 2018-present COEHS, Academic Affairs Committee (and Chair)
- 2017-present Reviewer, Graduate Fellowship Awards
- 2013-2015 Seed grant Reviewer: Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
- 2009-2011 COEHS, College Advisory Committee
- 2007-2008 COEHS, Chair, Program Delivery System Committee
- 2007-2009 COEHS, Academic Affairs Committee