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Meungguk Park
Meungguk Park, Professor
Sport Administration, Human Sciences
Dr. Meungguk Park is a Professor of Sport Administration. Dr. Park’s research focuses on non-profit sport organizations and/or sporting events whose primary purpose is to produce goods and services for the welfare of people with disabilities, cancer patients, and older adults with dementia.
His research examines sport consumer behavior and social marketing with a special interest in public service advertisements for non-profit sport organizations, promotion and fundraising strategies related to charity-affiliated sporting events, corporate social responsibility in sport, and meta-analytic review on the effect of sport and recreation programs on mental health conditions.
His teaching duties at the graduate level include Financial Aspects of Sport (KIN 580) and Facility Design & Event Management (KIN 517). At the undergraduate level, he teaches Introduction to Sport Administration (KIN 360), Business Aspects of Sport (KIN 365), Sport Venue and Event Management (KIN 367), and Sport Analytics (KIN 369). He has also taught Organizational Behavior in Sport (KIN 505) and Administration of Athletics (KIN 508).
Dr. Meungguk Park has practical experience working in several sport organizations, such as the Ohio Wheelchair Games, the OSU Adapted Recreational Program, the Leach FSU Student Recreation Center, the Tallahassee Tiger Sharks (a minor professional ice hockey team), and the Squash Sport Center (South Korea). In addition, Dr. Park has served as a leadership committee member or fundraising consultant for several regional non-profit organizations, including the American Cancer Society (Relay For Life events), Special Olympics Illinois (Region K), For Kids’ Sake (its mission is to help orphanages and schools in Bangladesh), and the Sparrow Coalition which serves individuals living in poverty in Southern Illinois. In his spare time, he enjoys playing tennis and spending time with his family.

Office: Davies Hall, 160E
Phone: 618-453-3126
Ph.D. The Ohio State University (Sport Management: Cognate area-Marketing), 2005
M.S. Florida State University (Sport Administration), 2001
B.C. Yeungnam University (International Economics and Business), 1996 (South Korea)
Selected Publications
Park, M., Turner, B., & Pastore, D. L. (2008). Effective public service advertisements to attract volunteers for the Special Olympics: An elaboration likelihood perspective. Sport Management Review, 11(2), 165-192.
Park, M., Turner, B., Pastore, D. L., Chitiyo, M., & Yoh, T. (2016). Information processing of audiences exposed to public service advertising messages for the Special Olympics: A cognitive response approach. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 17(3), 277-298.
Kang, H., Park, M., & Wallace, J. (2018). The impact of perceived social support, loneliness, and physical activity on quality of life in South Korean older adults. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 7(2), 237-244.
Park, M., Yoh, T., & Shonk, D. J. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of satisfaction among participants in health affiliated charity sport events. The International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 12(2), 105-127.
Park, M., Chitiyo, M., Kim, K., & Yoh, T. (2023). Systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between attitudes toward socially responsible corporations and purchasing intentions. Social Responsibility Journal, 19(10), 1978-1996.