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Anthropology Faculty

Our faculty are a unique blend of researchers, educators and professionals who are proven experts in their fields. 

Ryan Campbell, Adjunct Assistant Professor

I am a biological anthropologist and archaeologist with a specialization in the bioarchaeology of pre- and protohistoric North American populations. I have research interests in human skeletal variation, geophysics, and cultural resource management.  I have a dual role at SIU serving as a Researcher with the Center for Archaeological Investigations as well as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Anthropology.

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Ryan Campbell

Faner 3463

Vytis Ciubrinskas, Visiting Associate Professor

Vytis Ciubrinskas, Ph.D. 1993, Vilnius University, currently is a Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology at the Vytautas Magnus University. He has teaching experience from the UK, USA and Switzerland.

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Vytis Ciubrinskas

Faner 3536

Vytautas Magnus University
Center of Social Anthropology
Kaunas, Lithuania

Gretchen Dabbs, Professor

My research interests are two fold. In the field of forensic anthropology, I am interested in the use of accumulated degree days in estimating the postmortem interval, establishing known decompositional rates for specific geographic and climatic regions, and developing and testing methods for the estimation of age and sex from skeletal remains.

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Gretchen Dabbs

Faner 3539

Matthew Greer, Assistant Professor

Matthew Greer is a historical archaeologist, specializing in the study of race, class, and slavery in 18th- and 19th-century America. He has a PhD in Anthropology from Syracuse University (2022), an MA in Anthropology from the University of Southern Mississippi (2014), and a BA in History from the University of Mary Washington (2009). Matthew came to SIU in 2024 from the University of Missouri Research Reactor where he was an NSF SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

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Erica Moses, Assistant Lecturer

Erica Moses is a historical archaeologist with field experience throughout the Mid-Atlantic US, and primarily in Virginia. She has a master's degree from the University of York (UK) with a focus on the use of GIS and other digital methods for documenting and interpreting archaeological resources.

Her primary research area is landscape archaeology (e.g., site layouts and settlement patterns, use of space over time, concepts of space and place).

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Erica Moses

Faner 3521


Ulrich Reichard, Associate Professor

My empirical work focuses on the primate community of Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, where my students and I study white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar), pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus), and northern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca leonina). We continuously monitor individual life histories and collect demographic data. Specific current projects on white-handed gibbons include: behavioral responses to simulated predators, population-level relatedness, sleeping patterns, individuality of song repertoires, and spatial intelligence.


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Ulrich Reichard

Faner 4443


Chris Stantis, Assistant Professor

A biological anthropologist with training in archaeology, anatomy, and chemistry, Dr Stantis focuses on analyzing bones and teeth to place people in their past environment. For archaeological work, her research focuses on methods and types of questions rather than a specific region, culture, or time period. In forensic anthropology, she focuses on methods improvement surrounding stable isotopes chemistry.

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David Sutton, Professor

David Sutton (Phd University of Chicago, 1995) is a Professor of Anthropology specializing in Anthropological Theory, Historical Consciousness and Memory, Food and the Senses, Movies and Material Culture. He does research primarily on the island of Kalymnos (the Sponge Divers' island) in Greece.

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David Sutton

Faner 3537



Mark Wagner, Associate Professor and Director, Center for Archaelogical Investigations

My interests include the prehistory and early history of both Native Americans and Europeans in Illinois and the lower Ohio River Valley. I am particularly interested in culture contact issues between Native Americans and Euro-Americans and the variable outcomes contact had for members of both groups.

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Mark Wagner

Faner 3475