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Stephen Shulman
Stephen Shulman, Associate Professor
Political Science
Professor Shulman (Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1996) teaches courses in international relations, international security, international political economy, American foreign policy, and ethnic politics.
His research interests focus on the sources and consequences of nationalism and nationhood, especially as they relate to foreign policy and international relations. He has an area specialization in Ukraine, where he has taught and conducted field research. From January to June 2002, Shulman was a Shklar Fellow in Ukrainian Studies at the Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University.
From 2005 to 2008, he made eight trips to the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine) to consult on the reform of that institution's political science department through a program sponsored by the Open Society Institute. In February-July 2010 and February-July 2011, he taught international relations and ethnic politics as a Fulbright Scholar at Tavrida National University in the Crimean city of Simferopol (Ukraine). His published research appears in a wide variety of scholarly journals and in edited volumes.

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