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Bachelor's Degree Programs

Earn a B.S in Mathematics from SIU Carbondale’s School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences and you might find yourself working for the CIA on cybersecurity issues, fixing robots for rescue operations, analyzing the stock market with data science, verifying scientific theories, or exploring elegant mathematical structures. Or maybe you will illuminate a classroom by teaching and inspiring others to think logically.
Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements
The Mathematics degree program through the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences can be earned by fulfilling the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree.
- Total Degree Requirements: 120 credit hours
- University Core Curriculum: 39 credit hours
- Math Major Requirements: 48 credit hours
- Electives: 33 credit hours
Check out the undergraduate Curricular Guide, which helps you outline what courses you would want to take each semester for all four years. View all related undergraduate courses.
Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements
The Mathematics degree program through the School of Education can be earned by fulfilling the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree.
- Total Degree Requirements: 120 credit hours
- University Core Curriculum: 39 credit hours
- Math Major Requirements: 46 credit hours
- Professional Education and Licensure Requirements: 24 credit hours
- Electives: 11 credit hours
Check out the undergraduate Curricular Guide, which helps you outline what courses you would want to take each semester for all four years. View all related undergraduate courses.
A specialization in Actuarial Mathematics, prepars you for high-ranking, well-paid actuarial roles. This program equips you with essential mathematics skills and requires passing professional exams and completing Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) courses for certification. Aimed at those with strong math skills (evidenced by a minimum ACT score), the program provides a path to becoming an actuary through coursework and exam preparation for both the Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society.
A specialization in Data Science prepares you for the rapidly expanding field of data science. With data now integral to decision-making in business, industry, non-profits, and government, data scientists have become crucial for analyzing and interpreting large data sets to drive transformation and innovation.
The Math Placement System helps you find the right math course based on your academic background and major requirements. All students are required to take the placement test, even if you have a high ACT score, unless you’ve transferred relevant college credit. The test will determine which courses, such as MATH 101, 102, or 125, are the best fit for you. Be sure to consult your advisor if you’re transferring credits to see if the test is needed. Your placement results will ensure you're enrolled in the right class to support your academic success.
Non-Teaching Minor with online option
SIU Carbondale’s School of Mathematics and Statistics offers a non-teaching minor to allow students with significant interest in Mathematics to deepen their knowledge of the subject while pursuing a major in another field. Additionally, many of the classes needed to complete this sequence are offered online.
The departmental advisor must approve the student’s minor program. Elementary and secondary education students interested in adding a certification or endorsement in Mathematics should see a departmental advisor.
Scholarships available to undergraduate Mathematics majors:
Besides the above scholarships, undergraduate research opportunities are available from CURCA, Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities. Several professors have taken up students under these scholarships.Contact Information
Jerzy Kocik
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Neckers 377
1245 Lincoln Dr
Carbondale, IL 62901
Reginald Randolph
Academic Advisor
Engineering D 104
1230 Lincoln Dr
Carbondale, IL 62901
You’ll find our alumni excelling in roles at Liberty Mutual Insurance, Progressive Insurance, Merril Lynch, Occidental Petroleum, and US Bank, the New England Research Institute, the Los Alamos National Laboratory, or teaching at Colleges and Universities in the United States and abroad.
Other top career roles as ranked by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics are Data Scientist, Statistician, Mathematician, Operations Research Analyst and Actuary.