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Elementary Education Faculty

The faculty in the School of Education are as diverse as the student body. Representing three continents and with more than 300 years of combined teaching experience, the faculty will teach students to think critically about the built environment and architecture.

Senetta Bancroft, Associate Professor

Early Childhood, Elementary Education

Dr. Bancroft has expertise in science teacher professional development, qualitative research methods, and the use of critical theories to inform science education research and practice. Her research currently focuses on teacher beliefs about science instruction and the impacts of sociocultural environments on traditionally underserved doctoral student communities’ persistence in STEM. Her teaching includes secondary science methods and introductory chemistry.

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Senetta Bancroft

301B Pulliam Hall 

Lingguo Bu, Professor

Dr. Lingguo Bu is interested in research and development of design-based learning environments in STEM education and teacher education, including mathematical cognition, model-centered learning and instruction, and multimodal modeling and simulations.

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Lingguo Bu

Wham 323L

Lavern Byfield, Associate Professor

Early Childhood, Elementary Education

Dr. Lavern Byfield is an associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. 

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Lavern Byfield

Wham 322G

Ann Garrett, Senior Lecturer

Elementary Education

Mrs. Garrett holds a master’s degree from SIUC (1975) in Education; Eastern Illinois University (2003) in School Counseling; and SIUE (2008) Post Baccalaureate Certificate in English Language Learning.

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Ann Garrett

Wham 323H

Harvey Henson, Jr., Associate Professor

Elementary Education

Henson’s research areas of interest include science education, earthquake seismology, and applied geophysics. Henson teaches undergraduate and graduate students in science and science education, mentors undergraduate students in research, advises graduate students, and partners with STEM educators. Harvey Henson has been sharing his expertise in earthquake seismology with local officials, emergency responders, and school and community groups for more than 25 years.

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Harvey Henson, Jr.

Pulliam 301A

Dan Jones, Rend Lake College Marketplace Site Coordinator, Professor Emeritus

Dan R. Jones, Ed.D. (Indiana Universtiy) has been a faculty member at SIUC since 1978 in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. For 30 years he served as the off-campus Belleville Center Coordinator and for the past three years as the Site Coordinator of the SIUC off-campus programs at Rend Lake College Marketplace in Mt. Vernon.

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Dr. Dan Jones

Office: Wham 323D
Phone: 618-453-4233

Cheng-Yao Lin, Professor

Elementary Education

Dr. Cheng-Yao Lin graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Dr. Lin was awarded a Fulbright Specialist Award in 2017 to Taipei, Taiwan, where he taught at a university and conducted research. He is interested in the integration of technology into mathematics education, the preparation of pre-service teachers and cross-cultural research on pre-service teachers' knowledge of fractions. He has published in many peer-reviewed journals for research in mathematics education.

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Cheng-Yao Lin

Wham 327

Grant Miller, Associate Professor

Child and Family Services, Elementary Education

Grant Miller has academic specialties in social studies education, universal design for learning, and sheltered instruction. Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. from Boston College in 2007. His courses in curriculum and instruction include elementary education curriculum, public school social studies methods and action methods research. His research focuses on historical thinking, developing curricula that help students think like historians and social scientists.

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Grant Miller

Phone: 618-453-4250
Office: Wham 323K

Crystal Shelby-Caffey, Associate Professor

Elementary Education

Dr. Crystal Shelby-Caffey is an associate professor of Language, Literacies, and Culture. She teaches literacy courses within the Teacher Education Program as well as courses in the Language, Literacies, and Culture graduate programs. She has taught a range of elementary grade students within the Chicago Public School system and, most recently taught 4th grade in the Carbondale Elementary District No. 95.

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Crystal Shelby-Caffey

Wham 327

Louise Stearns, Senior Lecturer

Early Childhood, Elementary Education

Louise Stearns is a senior lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She teaches literacy and social studies courses within the Teacher Education Program. Her public school experiences include grades Pre-K- 6th grade.  

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Louise Stearns

Wham 327

Stacy Thompson, Professor

Early Childhood

Dr. Stacy Thompson is a professor in the School of Education at Southern Illinois University. She has a B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Child Development from Oklahoma State University, a M.S in Child Development and Family Relations from Oklahoma State University, and a Ph.D. in Child Development from Iowa State University. Her research interests include sensory integration, interventions for families and caregivers, and quality care for young children.

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Stacy Thompson

Wham 322H