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Student Organizations
Student organizations are a great way to get more out of your experience as a psychology major. Our psychology program has four affiliated student organizations.
Benefits of Joining a Psychology RSO
- Learn more about psychology and related fields
- Connect with faculty and practitioners in the community
- Attend conferences and apply for research assistant openings
- Meet and engage with fellow students in the program
- Gain leadership experience as an officer
- Acquire volunteer hours
- Get social and academic support

Psychology Student Organization (PSA)
The PSA is a registered student organization (RSO) open to all students interested in psychology, regardless of their major. Students in the PSA gain a greater understanding and familiarity with the field of psychology as well as related fields through participation in a variety of activities, including further exploration of the field of psychology, volunteer work, fundraising efforts, and networking.
Membership dues: $10 for the academic year (or $5 per semester)
For more information visit our website.
PSI CHI - National Honor Society for Psychology
Psi Chi is an international psychology honors society. Psi Chi was founded in 1929 for the purpose of promoting excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. Members of this esteemed society receive a membership card and certificate in addition to quarterly editions of the magazine, Eye on Psi Chi.Membership dues: $60 for a lifetime membership ($45 to national office, $15 to local chapter)
Membership qualifications:
- Complete 45 semester hours of college course work
- Complete 9 hours of coursework in psychology
- Overall GPA 3.2 or higher
- Psychology GPA 3.0 or higher
For more information visit our website.
Neuroscience Undergraduate Student Association
* Currently inactive. With 8-10 interested members, the group can be restarted! If Interested contact
A club aimed at exploring contemporary issues and directions in neuropsychology. Topics can include brain and behavior, neurodegenerative diseases, traumatic brain injury, and stroke rehabilitation.
Association of Black Psychologists (ABPSI)
* Currently inactive. With 8-10 interested members, the group can be restarted! If Interested contact Association of Black Psychologists sees its mission and destiny as the liberation of the African Mind, empowerment of the African Character, and enlivenment and illumination of the African Spirit.
The association is organized to operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including but not limited to:
- Promoting and advancing the profession of African Psychology
- Influencing and affecting social change
- Developing programs whereby psychologists of African descent (Black Psychologists) can assist in solving the problems of Black communities and other ethnic groups.
Membership dues: $40 for the year ($5 per semester to local chapter, $30 for the year to the national chapter).