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Psychology Faculty
Our faculty are a unique blend of researchers, educators and professionals who are proven experts in their fields.
Natalia A. Baires, Clinical Assistant Professor and Online Program Director
Behavior Analysis Therapy (Online)
Dr. Natalia Baires (pronounced "by-res") is a Clinical Assistant Professor and the Program Director for the online Behavior Analysis and Therapy programs. An English-Spanish bilingual, doctoral-level Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA-D), Dr. Baires earned her Ph.D. in Psychology with a specialization in Behavior Analysis and Therapy from Southern Illinois University (SIU) in 2020. Her research interests include culturally responsive interventions/service delivery, social justice and equity within and outside the field of behavior analysis, verbal behavior, the role of language and cognition from a Relational Frame Theory framework, and the use of Acceptance and Commitment Training to ensure sustainable behavioral flexibility and psychological well-being.
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Office: Life Science II, 281
Phone: 618-453-3529
Curriculum Vitae
Paige S. Boydston, Clinical Assistant Professor
Behavior Analysis Therapy (Online)
Dr. Paige Boydston earned her Ph.D. in Psychology at Southern Illinois University, with an emphasis on Behavior Analysis and Therapy. She has worked with individuals and families impacted by autism for over 15 years in home, community, school, and residential settings. Dr. Boydston continues to provide clinical services to individuals in rural and remote areas in addition to teaching. Research interests include parent training, telehealth, applications of early intensive intervention procedures to older children and adolescents, and gender equality in the field of behavior analysis.
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Mary Louise Cashel, Associate Professor
Clinical Psychology
Dr. Cashel specializes in assessment and interventions for youth and adolescents, with a focus on youth violence prevention, trauma and delinquency. She recently concluded a project funded by the National Institute of Justice designed to prevent bullying and enhance school climate in schools throughout much of the Southern Illinois region. She has conducted studies on risk assessment, trauma and PTSD among male and female delinquents.
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Office: Life Science II, 271D
Phone: 618-453-3553
SIU Youth Violence Prevention Lab
Stephanie Chambers-Baltz, Interim Director of Clinical Training, Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychology
Dr. Stephanie Chambers-Baltz (she/her) received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Southern Illinois University – Carbondale. She completed her pre-doctoral internship at SIU’s Counseling and Psychological Services. She is a licensed clinical psychologist in Illinois and in Minnesota. Dr. Chambers-Baltz’s research interests are influenced by her clinical work and prior experience as a licensed master’s level clinician. Her research interests include integrating research into practice settings, therapist identity, multicultural competence, and development, and policy implications of therapeutic practice.
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Office: Life Science II, 271 E
Phone: 618-453-6346
YouJung Choi, Assistant Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
YouJung Choi received her Ph.D. from the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri under the supervision of Dr. Yuyan Luo. She previously was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology at Yale University collaborating with Drs. Yarrow Dunham, Laurie Santos, and Karen Wynn. Right before joining at SIU, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University working with Dr. Elizabeth S. Spelke.
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Office: Life Science II, 212
Phone: 618-536-2302
Curriculum Vitae
Social Cognitive Development Lab (SCD Lab)
Reza Habib, Director, School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences; Associate Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Dr. Reza Habib received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Toronto in 2000 working with Dr. Endel Tulving. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto. He joined SIU as an assistant professor in the Fall of 2003. Dr. Habib 's research interests include brain imaging (fMRI) and statistical methodology, and long-term learning and memory.
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Office: Life Science II, 279
Phone: 618-453-3529
Curriculum Vitae
Memory & Cognition Lab
Camilo Hurtado-Parrado, Assistant Professor
Behavior Analysis and Therapy (On-campus)
Dr. Hurtado-Parrado’s research focuses on the understanding of human and nonhuman learning and behavioral processes, especially how they are regulated by aversive events (e.g., effects of aversive stimuli on memory, self-control, problem-solving, verbal behavior, rule following, and conciliation).
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Office: Life Science II, 281
Phone: 618-536-2302
Curriculum Vitae
Michael Hylin, Associate Professor and Program Director
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Dr. Michael Hylin received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Behavior from Northern Illinois University in 2010. After which he was a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Pramod Dash at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston. Dr. Hylin’s research focuses on the biochemical systems that underlie neurocognitive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury (specifically mild and repetitive injury). This includes pathways associated with the extracellular matrix, inflammation and axonal injury. The goal of his research is to determine how manipulation of dysfunctional pathways can lead to behavioral recovery. Part of this strategy involves researching the mechanisms involved in memory recall in order to develop novel strategies for neurocognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury. Another strategy is combining environmental enrichment and cognitive rehabilitation with pharmacological treatments in order to induce functional recovery.
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Office: Life Science II, 77B
Phone: 618-453-3516
Curriculum Vitae
Neurotrauma and Rehabilitation Lab
Eric Jacobs, Associate Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Applied Psychology; Behavior Analysis and Therapy (On-campus)
Eric A. Jacobs (Ph.D, 1997, Experimental Psychology, University of Florida) completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Vermont and is now an Associate professor in the Applied Psychology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences programs. His research interests include human operant behavior, quantitative analyses of choice and decision-making (e.g., delay discounting, "self-control", & "impulsivity"), applied behavior analysis, behavioral economics, behavioral ecology, and behavioral pharmacology.
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Office: Life Science II, 275A
Phone: 618-453-3555
Curriculum Vitae
Operant Conditioning and Learning Lab
Tamara Kang, Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychology
Dr. Tamara Kang received her Ph.D. in Legal Psychology, M.A. in Clinical Psychology, and Quantitative Certificate from the University of Texas at El Paso. Prior to coming to SIUC, Dr. Kang completed her postdoctoral fellowship developing and implementing a Youth Needs and Progress Scale (YNPS) on Dr. Robert Prentky’s Department of Justice funded grant at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Broadly, Dr. Kang is interested in psychology and law. Specifically, Dr. Kang’s Barriers to Reducing Crime Lab is committed to: (1) re-entry barriers for justice-involved persons; (2) effective implementation of evidence-based practices; (3) translation of research into policy and practice; (4) assessment and rehabilitation for justice-involved persons offenders; (5) distrust in scientists who conduct the research that supports criminal justice reform initiatives; and (6) mental health stigmatization.
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Office: Life Science II, 281
Phone: 618-453-2301
Curriculum Vitae
Barriers to Reducing Crime Lab
Jeffrey Kellogg, Clinical Assistant Professor
Dr. Jeffrey Kellogg, a clinical child and adolescent psychologist, received his Psy.D. degree from Rutgers University, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, in 1982. He interned in clinical child psychology at the University of Alabama College of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry. After directing child, adolescent, and family services for a regional mental health clinic in rural Alabama, he held a position providing cross-cultural and mental health services to expatriate families in Malaysia. In 1982, Dr. Kellogg moved to southern Illinois and began working with children and their families. Before attending Rutgers, he served in the US Peace Corps in Jamaica, West Indies, where he trained guidance counselors and developed a child psychiatric unit at the national hospital.
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Michelle Kibby, Professor
Clinical Psychology; Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Dr. Kibby received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Memphis with specialized training in clinical neuropsychology and clinical child psychology. She interned at Brown University, specializing in both areas. She completed a clinical post-doctoral fellowship in pediatric neuropsychology at the Medical College of Georgia and a research post-doctoral fellowship in child neuropsychology at the University of Georgia under George W. Hynd. Dr. Kibby is a Fellow of the National Academy of Neuropsychology.
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Office: Life Science II, 209C
Phone: 618-453-2872
Curriculum Vitae
Child Assessment in Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Lab
Usha Lakshmanan, Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Linguistics
Dr. Lakshmanan received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1989. She joined SIU in 1990 and is currently Professor of Psychology, with a cross-appointment in the department of Linguistics. Her research interests encompass the interrelated areas of psycholinguistics, bilingualism, child first language acquisition, child and adult second language acquisition, language and cognition, and the language of youth media. In her research, which focuses on the relationship between psycholinguistic theory and language acquisition, she has addressed several aspects of grammatical development and language processing from a cross-linguistic perspective.
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Office: Life Science II, 275C
Phone: 618-453-3574
Curriculum Vitae
Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition Lab
Amy Lang, Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychology
Dr. Amy Lang received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She completed her pre-doctoral internship in the Division of Behavioral Medicine & Clinical Psychology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. She then completed an NIH T32 post-doctoral fellowship in the Center for Adherence & Self-Management at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Dr. Lang’s research interests revolve around the lived experiences of adolescents and young adults with chronic health conditions, with an emphasis on promotion of self-management, health competence, and health-related quality of life during the transition from pediatric- to adult-focused health care.
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Office: Life Science II, 279
Phone: 618-453-3529
Curriculum Vitae
Eric Lee, Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychology
In 2019 Eric received his Ph.D. in Clinical and Counseling Psychology at Utah State University. He completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Anxiety Disorders Center, Institute of Living, Hartford Hospital before joining SIUC as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Contextual Behavior Science, Process-based therapy, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He has authored numerous publications, book chapters and presentations (refer to his CV).
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Office: Life Science II, 268
Phone: 618-453-3551
Curriculum Vitae
Personalized Mental Health Lab
Yueh-Ting Lee, Professor and Program Director
Applied Psychology
Yueh-Ting Lee (aka “Li Yue-Ting”) is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Southern Illinois University (SIU), Carbondale, where he has also served as the Dean of the Graduate School since 2015. Before he came to SIU, Dr. Lee had served as an administrator in various capacities, including Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Associate Vice President at the University of Toledo, Ohio, and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Minot State University in North Dakota.
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Office: Life Science II, 275F
Phone: 618-453-4180 or
Applied Culture and Evolution (ACE) Lab
Robert Morgan, Dean, College of Health and Human Services; Professor
Clinical Psychology
Dr. Morgan completed his Ph.D. in counseling psychology at Oklahoma State University and a postdoctoral fellowship in forensic psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the Missouri Department of Mental Health. After 21 years at Texas Tech University, he joined Southern Illinois University in 2021 as the Dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences and as a Professor in the School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Morgan’s research and scholarly activities include treatment and assessment of justice involved persons with mental illness, effects of incarceration including in restricted housing units, and forensic mental health assessment.
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Phone: 618-536-6682
Curriculum Vitae
College of Health and Human Sciences
Dustin Nadler, Clinical Assistant Professor
Applied Psychology
Dr. Dustin Nadler Director of Applied Research Consultants (ARC) at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC). Originally from the St. Louis metropolitan area, he received his Ph.D. from the Applied Psychology program at SIUC. Since graduating, he has worked at several universities in the greater St. Louis area and as a research consultant, a role which he currently holds.
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Ryan Redner, Professor
Behavior Analysis and Therapy (On-campus)
Ryan Redner is a Professor and Program Director of the Behavior Analysis and Therapy program. Ryan received his Doctoral degree from Western Michigan University under Dr. Alan Poling and went on to complete a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Vermont in the area of Behavior and Health with Dr. Stephen T. Higgins. He studies the personal health choices that lead to premature death and exorbitant health care costs in the United States (cigarette smoking, sedentary lifestyle).
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Office: Rehn Hall, 335A
Phone: 618-453-8295
Lesley Shawler, Assistant Professor
Behavior Analysis and Therapy (On-campus)
Dr. Lesley Shawler is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and earned her Ph.D. from the Institute of Applied Behavior Studies - Endicott College in 2019 under the advisement of Dr. Caio Miguel. She completed a two year postdoctoral fellowship at Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the Neurobehavioral Unit and Clinical Outcomes department. Dr. Shawler has experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities and mental health diagnoses across the lifespan and in a myriad of settings. Her main expertise includes the assessment and treatment of challenging behavior and teaching verbal behavior to individuals with Autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities.
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Office: Life Sciences II, 275B
Phone: 618-536-2302
Curriculum Vitae
Jane Swanson, Professor Emerita
Counseling Psychology
Dr. Swanson is an Emeritus Professor of Counseling Psychology. Dr. Swanson’s research interests involve career development and vocational psychology, including adolescent career exploration, perceived career barriers, career counseling, measurement of vocational interests, and career psychology of women. She has authored a book and numerous book chapters regarding vocational psychology, and published research articles in Journal of Vocational Behavior, Career Development Quarterly, Journal of Career Assessment, and Journal of Counseling Psychology. She is a Fellow of the Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) of the American Psychological Association, and was formerly chair of the Society for Vocational Psychology and treasurer of the Society of Counseling Psychology. Dr. Swanson retired in 2015 but she continues to teach online classes.
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Yee Pin Tio, Clinical Assistant Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Dr. Yee Pin Tio earned her Ph.D. in Psychology from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in December 2020. She completed a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology focusing on cognitive decline among the elderly population and memory care services in the Southern Illinois region.
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