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Jean-Pierre (J.-P.) Reed

Jean-Pierre Reed, Professor

J.-P. Reed received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He joined Sociology at SIU in 2009, became an Affiliate of Africana Studies in 2010, and since 2023 he has been an Africana Studies faculty. Dr. Reed teaches courses on W.E.B. Du Bois, Racial Inequality, the Civil Rights Movement, and Race and Ethnic Relations. Thus far, his scholarship has focused on understanding revolutionary/political agency, much of it centered on subjective factors: political emotions, popular culture/ideology (e.g., religion), and narrative. His scholarship also underscores the significance of contingency (events) as an equally important dimension of revolutionary/political agency/mobilization.

Dr. Reed is a Research Associate at the Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica (IHNCA) at the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), Managua, Nicaragua and the Center for Critical Research on Religion; holds memberships at the Editorial Boards for Critical Sociology, Critical Research on Religion, and PArtecipazione e COnflitto (PaCo), a Working Paper Series at Center of Studies on Politics and Society, University of Salento, Italy; and is an officer at the American Sociological Association (ASA), a national sociological organization. Dr. Reed is also a Visiting Professor (Non-Residential) at the Doctoral Program in Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Among other journal venues, his work has been featured in Theory and Society, Critical Sociology, Research in Social Movements, Conflicts, and Change, and Critical Research on Religion.

Current Research

Present Research

  • International collaborator (co-investigator consultant), “Self-Reinforcing Mechanisms of Protest Cycles and Social Outbursts” (“Mecanismos autoreforzantes de los ciclos de protesta y los estallidos sociales”) with Rodrigo A. Asún, Universidad de Chile (National Fund for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile, Fondecyt-Chile, grant # 1220385).

Edited Book Project

  • Social Movements and Positive Emotions: Concepts and Latin American Cases (with Karina Navarro and Rodrigo A. Asún, Universidad de Chile). Under Contract at Routledge.
Joseph A. Brown

Faner 3426
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Areas of Specialization and Interest

  • Race and Ethnic Relations
  • Racial Inequality
  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • Postcolonial/Decolonial Thought
  • Revolutions
  • Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory
  • Politics and Religion
  • Culture
  • Comparative-Historical
  • The Sociology of Development

Present Courses

  • AFR 215: Black American Experience
  • AFR 499: Racial Inequality
  • HON 351: We shall overcome: The history, possibilities, & continued significance of the civil rights movement

Past Courses

  • SOC 215: Race and Ethnic Relations in the US
  • SOC 455: Racial Inequality
  • SOC 530: Postcolonial Thought: Theory and Latin American Cases
  • SOC 301: Theory and Society
  • SOC 424: Social Movements and Collective Behavior
  • SOC 501: Sociological Theory
  • SOC 108: Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC 530: Sociology of Culture
  • SOC 555: Social Movements
  • SOC 557: Revolutions

Selected Publications

Reed, Jean-Pierre. Forthcoming. “La Teología de la Liberación como Teoría Crítica en América Latina” (“Liberation Theology as Critical Theory in Latin America”). In Dante Ramaglia (Ed.), El ejercicio de la crítica en la filosofía contemporánea: Variaciones conceptuales en el marco de la teoría crítica y el pensamiento latinoamericano (The exercise of criticism in contemporary philosophy: Conceptual variations within the framework of critical theory and Latin American thought). Buenos Aires: Editorial Teseo.

Reed, Jean-Pierre and Carlos Garrido (Graduate Student). 2024. “Intellectuals, ideology and the ethico-political.” In William Carroll (Ed.) The Elgar Companion to Antonio Gramsci. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 152-70.

Reed, Jean-Pierre. 2023. “Insurgent Subjectivity: Hope and Its Interactant Emotions in the Nicaraguan Revolution” at Theory and Society 52 (3), 387-421.

Goldstein, Warren and Jean-Pierre Reed, eds. 2022. Religion in Rebellions, Revolutions, and Social Movements (Routledge).

  • Reviewed in Sociology of Religion; Politics and Religion Journal; American Academy of Religion; Journal of Contemporary Religion; Politics, Religion, and Ideology; Mobilization.
  • To be translated and published in Arabic.

Reed, Jean-Pierre. 2020. Sandinista Narratives: Religion, Sandinismo, and Emotions in the Making of the Nicaraguan Insurrection and Revolution (Lexington Books).

  • Reviewed in Acta Sociologica; Mobilization; Contemporary Sociology; Critical Sociology; Revista Herramienta.