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Graduate Students
Graduate students in Political Science come from a variety of backgrounds and have diverse research and career interests.

Atinuke “Elizabeth” Ayowole
PhD Student
Atinuke “Elizabeth” Ayowole is a Doctoral student from Nigeria. She earned her Bachelors in International Law and Diplomacy from Babcock University in Nigeria. Her research interests include comparative politics, political communication, political behavior, democracy and governance. She is a lifetime member of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society. She has recently made presentations at theAmerican Political Science Association (APSA) conference in 2022 and the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) in 2023.

Myla Burton
PhD Student
Myla Burton is a Doctoral student from Sheldon, IL. She earned her BA in Political Science specializing in Pre- Law (2019); and a Juris Doctor specializing in Litigation and Dispute Resolution and Health Law and Policy (2022) here at SIU. Her research interests include international human rights, military expenditures, national security, international institutions, and court systems. She hopes to pursue a career in data analysis for a Federal government agency. She was part of the Political Science department as an undergrad and loved it, so decided to stay for her graduate work. Once a Saluki, always a Saluki!

Abiodun Folorunsho
PhD Student
Abiodun Folorunsho is a PhD student in Political Science. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Lagos State University in Nigeria. He is a current SIU Graduate School Doctoral Fellowship Award recipient for the 2023/2024 academic year.
He is a highly motivated graduate student in Political Science with a diverse range of interests in international relations, specifically in peace and conflicts, emerging technologies, international security, ethnicity and nationalism.
Abiodun’s main research focus is on how emerging technologies (weapons of mass destruction) can foster peace and stability in the international paradigm.

Oleg Golishnikov
PhD Student
Oleg Golishnikov joined the doctoral program in Political Science at SIU in the Fall of 2022, with a keen interest in the field of international relations and comparative politics. He holds a BA degree in International Relations from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). In 2015, he graduated from the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow (Russian Federation), with an MA degree in International Relations: European and Asian Studies.
Oleg has extensive work experience in the public, private and NGO sectors, with a prime focus on analytics. His research interests include the dynamics of the US-China strategic competition, the security issues in Central Asia and South Asia, and integration processes in the Indo-Pacific region. His theoretical inquiries cover great power rivalry, grand strategy, strategic culture and foreign policy behavior.

Nathan Holm
PhD Student
Nathan Holm is a Doctoral student from Newman, IL. He earned his Associate’s from Parkland College; his Bachelor’s from Eastern Illinois University; and his Master’s from Northern Illinois University. His research interests include public law and international relations. He has held Graduate Assistantships as a Teaching Assistant and hopes to remain in academia as a professor.

Adeshewa Ibrahim
PhD Student
Adeshewa Ibrahim is a doctoral student from Nigeria. She earned a BS in Political Science from the University of Ibadan. Her research interests include institutionalism, terrorism and regional security policy. Her past research has looked at anti-graft policies and state development. She has worked as a graduate instructor for multiple courses at Lead Academy in Nigeria and is currently a TA here at SIU. She was awarded Best Educationist of the Year at the University of Ibadan in 2022. She hopes to remain in academia as a professor.

Ayorinde Olanrewaju
PhD Student
W. Ayorinde Olanrewaju holds a BSc degree in Political Science from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria. Currently, he is a PhD student in Political Science at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. He received the SIU Graduate School “Doctoral Fellowship Award” for the 2022/2023 academic year.
Ayorinde’s broad research interests lie in comparative politics, international relations, and public policy. Specifically, he focuses on the assessment of political institutions across democracies with deep ethnic and other cleavages in Africa and how they can be strengthened to inspire good governance. Also, he is interested in examining the roles of international institutions in international affairs.

Akinbiyi Oyekunle
PhD Student
Akinbiyi Oyekunle is a Doctoral Student from Ibadan, Nigeria. He earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s in Political Science from Obafemi Awolowo University. His research interests include comparative politics, public policy and electoral studies, with a core interest in strengthening African Democratic institutions. He hopes to continue both teaching and research in the future.
Publications:- Agunbiade, A., Agbalajobi, D., & Oyekunle, A. (2017). Assessment Students’ use Of Information and Communication Technology Facilities: A Case Study Of Obafemi Awolowo University Library. In Covenant Conference on E-governance (Vol. 4, pp. 1-5).
- Adefemi, A. O., & Oyekunle, A. B. (2018). Government Responses to Electoral Violence in Nigeria: Issues and Prospects. Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol, 4, 5.
“Populism, Outlier Candidates and Governance Impact: A Comparative Overview” presented at the 80th Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago IL, April 13th -16th 2023.

Ayodeji Oyekunle
PhD Student
Ayodeji Oyekunle is a Doctoral student from Nigeria. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Ekiti State University and a Master of Science in Political Science from Obafemi Awolowo University, both in Nigeria. She was an Assistant Lecturer at Wesley University, Nigeria from 2019 to 2022. Her research interests include gender and legislative studies and comparative politics. She hopes to continue to pursue both teaching and research.
- Adefemi, A. O. and Agunbiade, A. T. (2019). Women’s Political Participation and Representation in State Legislatures, Southwest, Nigeria. Journal of Political Science and Public Affairs, 7(1), 1-7. DOI: 10.4172/2332-0761.1000358.
- Agunbiade, A. T. and Agbalajobi, D. T. (2017). Women’s Political Participation in Nigeria and South Africa: Issues and Challenges. In M. E. Sotunsa and O. YacobHaliso, (Eds.), Gender, Culture and Development in Africa (pp. 541-552). Austin TX: Pan-African University Press.
- “Gender Inequality, A Global Issue; A Descriptive and Substantive Representation of Subnational Legislators, Illinois, United States of America”. Presented at Political Science Association International Conference, April 3rd-5th 2023, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom; and Midwest Political Science Association annual conference, Chicago, IL, April 13th – 16th 2023.
- “Ethnic/Cultural Diversity and Nation Building in Pre & Post-Colonial Nigeria”. UNESCO Regional Conference on the Governance of Diversity, Accra, Ghana, 10th - 11th October 2019.
- “Fifteen Years of Democratic Rule, a Dividend or Deficit? A Reflection on the Governance Aspect of Democracy in Nigeria since 1999”. The 4th International Toyin Falola Annual Conference (TOFAC), University of the Free State, Durban, South Africa, 3rd – 5th July 2014.

Kimberly Lynn Shella
PhD Student
Kimberly Shella is a doctoral student from Hillsborough, NC. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from Oberlin College with a double major in Government and Physics; an M.A. in African American Studies from Columbia University; and an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Chicago. Her research interests include racial, ethnic, immigrant, and women’s representation and violence; political institutions and parties; and the following regions: Western Europe, Canada, Oceania, Africa (focus: Ghana, West Africa).
Kimberly is currently on the job market.
Awards Received:
- Dissertation Research Award
2023 – 2024
Southern Illinois University - Virginia Gray Graduate Student Research Award
July 2022
Political Organizations and Parties Section, American Political Science Association - Outstanding Achievement Certificate, Akan Twi, Language Workshop
Summer 2021
Indiana University - Hamilton Lugar School Summer Language Scholarship,
Summer 2021
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN - Orville Alexander Scholarship, Dept. of Political Science,
Summer 2021
Southern Illinois Univ. Carbondale - ASMEA Research Grant
Summer - Fall 2021
Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa - Media in Context Research Grant, Media in Context Workshop
Spring 2021
University of Exeter - Q-Step Scholarship, Q-Step Center,
Spring 2018 – Fall 2018
College of Social Sciences, Univ. of Glasgow - John A. Garcia Scholarship, Society for Political Methodology,
Summer 2008 - Mirzayan Science & Technology Fellow, National Research Council, Summer 2001
- Graduate Student Fellow, Center for the Study of Democracy;
Fall 2006 – Fall 2014
Univ. of CA Irvine - Associate Dean’s Fellowship, University of California Irvine
Fall 2012 - Trustees’ Fellowship,
Fall 1997 – Spring 1999
University of Chicago - Full Tuition Merit Scholarship,
Fall 1987 – Spring 1991
Oberlin College - Summer Research Grant, Department of Political Science
Summer 2014, 2011, 2009, 2008, 2007
University of California Irvine - Aznar-Argyros Fellowship (Research Grant)
Summer 2008, 2007
Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California Irvine
Publications and Presentations:
- Big Men or Many Little Men: Reverse Coattails, Presidential Elections, and Electoral Turnovers in African States. African Studies Association. Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA. November 2022.
- Pushing the First Families Out: Effect of Inclusion and Exclusion of Founding Families in the Emerging Party Systems in Africa. International Studies Association Midwest. St. Louis, MO. November 2021. African Studies Association. Philadelphia, PA. November 2022
- Does Land Tenure Explain Majority-Minority Ethnic Conflict? Indigenous versus Immigrant
- Ethnic Voting and Conflict in Africa. International Studies Association. Nashville, TN. March 2022. Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa. Annual Conference, Washington, DC. November 2021.
- Divide & Conquer: Rising Defections and the Emergence and Disappearance of Stable, Competitive Party Systems in Africa. Annual Conference, African Studies Association. Virtual/Online. November 2021.
- Annual Conference, American Political Science Association. Seattle, WA. September – October 2021
- Migration of Identity and Animosity: Politicians, the Media, and the Mobilization and Demobilization of Anti-Immigrant Attitudes and Violence. International Studies Association. April 2021.
- Electing Asians in Africa. African Studies Association. Atlanta, GA. December 2018.
- Economy, National Security, and the Emergence of National Identity or the State as Democratizer. International Studies Association. Baltimore, MD. March 2017.
- Top Down Versus Bottom Up: Societal Opposition and Marriage and Traditional Law Reforms in African States (political parties and legitimacy). African Studies Association. Washington, DC. December 2016.
- Politicians and the Popular Media: Success and Failure in the Mobilization and Demobilizing of Anti-Immigrant Violence. African Studies Association. Indianapolis, IN. November 2014.
- The Rise of Multiparty Competitive Democracy and the Decline of Women’s Representation in Africa?
- European Political Science Association. Barcelona, Spain. June 2013.
- Divide and Conquer? Dictators, Democrats, and Authoritarian Party Divides in the Rise of Democracy in Africa. American Political Science Association. Chicago, IL. September 2013.
- Ethnic Candidates & Ideology: Ideologyl and Issue Location of Non-Western Ethnic Candidates in the West on Gender Equality. Accepted, Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL. March 2023.
- Comparing Transnational to Local Europe Black Movements: BLM versus Zwarte Piet, American Political Science Association. Montreal, Canada. September 2022.
- Internal and External Party Crises, Intersectionality, and the Rise of Ethnic Minority Women Leaders in the West. Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL. April 2022.
- Windrush, Hostile Environment, and Sadiq Javid: Media Mobilization and Demobilization of Co-ethnic Voting in British General Elections. Media in Context Workshop, University of Exeter (UK). May 2022
- Crisis Candidacies: Far-Right Competition, Political Party Electoral Decline and Crisis, and the Emergence of Black, Asian, and Asian Party Leaders in the West. American Political Science Association. Seattle, WA. September – October 2021.
- Crisis Candidacies: Party Decline and Black/Asian MPs and Party Leaders in the West. American Political Science Association, Online. September 2020.
- Rethinking the Rules of Representation and Violence: The Rise and Decline Violence against Immigrants in Africa and the West. International Studies Association. San Francisco, CA. April 2013.
- Rethinking the Rules of Representation and Violence: Design and Preliminary Results. Workshop on Democracy and Dictatorship, University of Tampere. Tampere, Finland. June 3 – 8, 2012.
Teaching Experience:
- Instructor of Record/Course instructor
- Fall 2022: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
- Class: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Culture (University Core Curriculum)
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Fall – Spring 2019, Fall – Spring 2020, Fall 2021: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
- Classes: Quantitative Methods (Fall), Comparative Politics and International Relations (Spring)
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Fall 2018: School of Social and Political Science, University of Glasgow, UK
- Classes: Measuring Your World (introduction to quantitative methods for majors), Introduction to Politics
- Lecturer
- Spring 2017: Department of Political Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
- Classes: European Politics
- Lecturer
- Spring 2014: Department of Political Science, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA
- Classes: Advanced Methods
- Graduate Teaching Assistant/ Graduate Reader
- Fall 2006 – Fall 2013: School of Social Science, University of California, Irvine, CA
- Classes: Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Comparative Politics, Probability and Statistics I, Probability and Statistics II, Computers in Social Science, Minority Politics
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Fall 2004 – Spring 2006: Department of Astronomy, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

Rongling “Clare” Tang
PhD Student
Clare R. Tang is a doctoral student in Political Science. She holds a B.A., an M.P.A., and an LL.M. She is interested in the field of international relations and comparative politics, specifically in topics related to US-China cooperation and competition; global clean/renewable energy policy; global south development; and social movements. She has served as a teaching assistant for courses including Introduction to International Relations and Research Methods.