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Wesley Calvert

Wesley Calvert, Professor

Professor; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2005.

Director of Undergraduate Studies for Spring 2025

Research Interests

Mathematical Logic and its applications, especially computability theory and model theory; Algebraic geometry and number theory, especially computational aspects; theoretical computer science.

SIU Wesley Calvert

Neckers 387
Personal Website

Selected Publications

  1. "Comparison of classes of finite structures," with D. Cummins, J. F. Knight, and S. Miller, Algebra and Logic 43 (2004) 374--392.
  2. "Effective categoricity of equivalence structures," with D. Cenzer, V. Harizanov, ad A. Morozov, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (2006) 61--78.
  3. "PAC learning, VC dimension, and the arithmetic hierarchy," Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (2015) 871--883.
  4. "Structural highness notions," with J. N. Y. Franklin and D. Turetsky, Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2023) 1692--1724.
  5. "Computability in infinite Galois theory and algorithmically random algebraic fields," with V. Harizanov and A. Shlapentokh, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 110 (2024) e70017.