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Wesley Calvert
Wesley Calvert, Professor
Professor; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2005.
Director of Undergraduate Studies for Spring 2025
Research Interests
Mathematical Logic and its applications, especially computability theory and model theory; Algebraic geometry and number theory, especially computational aspects; theoretical computer science.

Neckers 387
Personal Website
Selected Publications
- "Comparison of classes of finite structures," with D. Cummins, J. F. Knight, and S. Miller, Algebra and Logic 43 (2004) 374--392.
- "Effective categoricity of equivalence structures," with D. Cenzer, V. Harizanov, ad A. Morozov, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (2006) 61--78.
- "PAC learning, VC dimension, and the arithmetic hierarchy," Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (2015) 871--883.
- "Structural highness notions," with J. N. Y. Franklin and D. Turetsky, Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2023) 1692--1724.
- "Computability in infinite Galois theory and algorithmically random algebraic fields," with V. Harizanov and A. Shlapentokh, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 110 (2024) e70017.