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Reza Habib
Reza Habib, Director, School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences; Associate Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Dr. Reza Habib received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Toronto in 2000 working with Dr. Endel Tulving. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto. He joined SIU as an assistant professor in the Fall of 2003. Dr. Habib 's research interests include brain imaging (fMRI) and statistical methodology, and long-term learning and memory.
Brain imaging; long-term learning and memory; pathological gambling
PSYC 310: Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 489: Seminar – Selected Topics (Cog Neuro)
PSYC 515: Theory & Research in Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 522: Experimental Design and Analysis
PSYC 524: Multivariate Methods of Psychology
Representative Publications
Bergdahl, M., Habib, R., Bergdahl, J., Nyberg, L., & Nilsson, L.-G. (In Press). Natural teeth and preserved cognitive function in humans. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.
Herlitz, A., Thilers, P.P., & Habib, R. (In Press). Endogenous estrogen is not associated with cognitive performance before, during, and following menopause. Menopause.
Habib, R., Nyberg, L., & Nilsson, L-.G. (In Press). Cognitive and non-cognitive factors contributing to the longitudinal identification of successful older adults in the Betula study. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition.
Schott, B. H., Sellner, D. B., Lauer, C.-J., Habib, R., Frey, J. U., Guderian, S., Heinze, H.-J., & Düzel, E. (2004). Activation of midbrain structures by associative novelty and the formation of explicit memory in humans. Learning and Memory, 11(4), 383-387.
Düzel, E., Habib, R., Guderian, S., & Heinze, H.-J. (2004). Four types of novelty-familiarity responses in associative recognition memory of humans. European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(5), 1408-1416.
Chau, W., Habib, R., & McIntosh, A. R. (2004). Multi-modal imaging data analysis with partial least squares. Brain and Cognition, 54(2), 140-142.

Office: Life Science II, 279
Phone: 618-453-3529
Curriculum Vitae
Memory & Cognition Lab
Educational History
Ph.D., University of Toronto