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Amy Lang
Amy Lang, Assistant Professor
Clinical Psychology
Dr. Amy Lang received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She completed her pre-doctoral internship in the Division of Behavioral Medicine & Clinical Psychology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. She then completed an NIH T32 post-doctoral fellowship in the Center for Adherence & Self-Management at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Dr. Lang’s research interests revolve around the lived experiences of adolescents and young adults with chronic health conditions, with an emphasis on promotion of self-management, health competence, and health-related quality of life during the transition from pediatric- to adult-focused health care.
Research Interests
Adolescence and young adulthood; health care transition; pediatric psychology; self-management
Educational History
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Office: Life Science II, 279
Phone: 618-453-3529
Curriculum Vitae