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Jane Elizabeth Dougherty
Jane Elizabeth Dougherty, Associate Professor
Dr. Dougherty is a scholar of Irish women’s literature of the eighteenth-, nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. She teaches courses on Irish literature and culture, cultural studies, and composition.

Office: Faner, Room 2262
Phone: 618-453-6843
Curriculum Vitae
Scholarly Interests Relating to Irish Literature:
- Gender and maturation
- Honor culture and modernity
- Women’s life writing
- Unnatural narrations
- Post-coloniality and feminist psychoanalytic theory
- Genre fiction and cultural studies
- Anti-Blackness
Other Scholarly Interests:
- Octavia Butler and Black speculative fiction
- Anti-racist pedagogy
- Transnational and intersectional feminisms
- Textual depictions of childhood and juvenile literature
Recent Publications and Work in Progress:
Recently published:
- “Edna O’Brien and the Politics of Belatedness.” The Oxford Handbook of Irish Fiction, ed. Liam Harte. (Oxford University Press, 2020): 289-305.
Work in Progress:
- Carmencita and The Bus of Dreams (children’s book).
- Mick and the Night Mare (children’s book)
- “Voice, Vision, Text: Teaching Eavan Boland’s ‘The Singers.’” Essay in progress for MLA Options for Teaching Modern Irish Poetry, eds. Guinn Batten and Anna Teekell.
- “The Honor of Modernity: Castle Rackrent and the Honor Discourses of the Irish Enlightenment.” Under consideration at Eighteenth-Century Life.
- Joyce’s Sisters: Narratives of Irish Female Maturation, 1916-2018 (book project). Under consideration at Edinburgh University Press.