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Anna Sicari
Anna Sicari, Assistant Professor
Anna Sicari is an Assistant Professor in Writing Studies in the Writing, Literature, and Digital Humanities department at SIU. Her research interests are in feminist research methodologies and theories, writing program and center administration/work, and community engaged work. These interests can be seen in articles of mine published in CCCs, College English, JAEPL, Praxis, Peitho The Writing Center Journal, and Composition Studies, as well as an edited collection just now out with Utah State University Press, titled Our Body of Work: Embodied Writing Program Administration. which just received honorable mention by the Council of Writing Program Administrators, and multiple book chapters. She also serves as a co-editor of The Writing Center Journal, the official journal of the International Writing Centers Association, an affiliate with the National Council of the Teachers of English.
Continuing and deepening my interest in identity and intersectionality, I have been working with a diverse group of researchers to investigate faith and identity through an intersectional framework, which is currently under review with Utah State University Press. My research interests, while exploring the institution of the academy through feminist research methodologies and theories, are centered in exploring different communities and ways in which the academy excludes those from marginalized communities; I am currently working on a book proposal on ways in which white feminism has dominated the teaching of writing, particularly in the writing center, and ways we need to embrace new theoretical and pedagogical approaches from different communities to rethink this space entirely. USUP has already expressed interest in this new project.

Office: Faner, Room 2243
Phone: 618-453-6861
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