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Scott McEathron
Scott McEathron, Professor
Professor McEathron specializes in British Romanticism. His interests include the canonical Romantic poets and essayists, especially Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Lamb, and Hazlitt, as well as several non-canonical figures associated with the laboring-class poetic tradition, especially John Clare.
His work in this latter area includes New Essays on John Clare: Poetry, Culture and Community (eds. Scott McEathron and Simon Kövesi, Cambridge University Press, 2015) and English Labouring-Class Poets, 1800-1830 (ed. Scott McEathron, Pickering and Chatto, 2006). He has also published several essays on nineteenth-century portraits and drawings (of Lamb, Clare, and Keats), with a focus on the Victorian art market and the workings of the National Portrait Gallery.

Office: Faner, Room 2266
Phone: 618-453-6836
Curriculum Vitae
Recent Publications:
- “The Last of March” in ‘Anniversary Shorts: Studies of Ten Poems from The Village Minstrel, and Other Poems.’ John Clare Society Journal 40 (2021): 15-17.
- “Address to a Lark” in ‘Anniversary Shorts: Studies of Ten Poems from Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery.’ John Clare Society Journal 39 (2020): 8-10.
- “Nineteenth-Century Poetic Tributes and Elegies to Robert Bloomfield.” European Romantic Review 31.5 (2020): 637-652.
- “Working-Class Poetry and the Royal Literary Fund: Two Case Studies in Patronage.” In A History of Working-Class Literature. Ed. John Goodridge and Bridget Keegan. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017): 149‒175.
- “The Lives of Frederick Martin and The Life of John Clare.” In New Essays on John Clare: Poetry, Culture and Community. Eds. Scott McEathron and Simon Kӧvesi. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015): 118‒45.